2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Abbas Baig (Pakistan)

1 beat Muhd Noorafiq Izani442:356and is placed 48th with1+86
2 pipped Sion De Souza358:351and is placed 34th with2+93
3 beat Muhd Alif Iman420:241and is placed 18th with3+272
4 beat Nusrath Sariffo'deen362:345and is placed 10th with4+289
5 lost to Neeraparng Laohavira270:368and is placed 29th with4+191
6 lost to Alissa Noel337:439and is placed 43rd with4+89
7 lost to Siriwat Suttapintu311:482and is placed 61st with4-82
8 lost to Diyath Visidagamage334:465and is placed 77th with4-213
9 pulverised Ronnie Bennett458:154and is placed 56th with5+91
10 beat Irfan Sabri304:210and is placed 44th with6+185
11 lost to Khelsey Ramsumair360:371and is placed 54th with6+174
12 lost to Marvi Delfin303:389and is placed 68th with6+88
13 lost to Amin Nabil298:341and is placed 79th with6+45
14 pipped Samuel Fernandes357:352and is placed 68th with7+50
15 beat Vraj Jain406:317and is placed 56th with8+139
16 pipped V Sridev333:330and is placed 50th with9+142
17 lost to Adam Ali280:339and is placed 62nd with9+83
18 beat Minuki Satharasinghe396:313and is placed 50th with10+166
19 beat David Onyekwelu414:224and is placed 37th with11+356
20 lost to Mohammad Affan354:423and is placed 49th with11+287
21 lost to Samrath Singh Bhatia292:347and is placed 57th with11+232
22 lost to V Sridev321:378and is placed 71st with11+175
23 beat Gerald Ekhagbai327:299and is placed 59th with12+203
24 lost to Adam Ali383:403and is placed 69th with12+183

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