2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Alanah Barba (United Arab Emirates)

1 got walloped by Ebuka Udeani227:470and is placed 117th with0-243
2 walloped Sahel Infas355:143and is placed 79th with1-31
3 beat Jhanavi Ananthakumar300:221and is placed 55th with2+48
4 lost to Angela Osaigbovo252:287and is placed 62nd with2+13
5 got walloped by Matthew Wong Sang224:445and is placed 92nd with2-208
6 was pulverised by Muhd Noorafiq Izani168:499and is placed 111th with2-539
7 lost to Alice Durand267:343and is placed 120th with2-615
8 beat Mushad Aadil283:265and is placed 109th with3-597
9 lost to Thareefa Ismail237:262and is placed 114th with3-622
10 beat Shanaya Amath317:269and is placed 105th with4-574
11 beat Jhanavi Ananthakumar277:163and is placed 91st with5-460
12 beat Mohammed Talha Arif324:252and is placed 79th with6-388
13 beat Devja Withanage309:223and is placed 67th with7-302
14 lost to Muhd Alif Iman325:335and is placed 77th with7-312
15 lost to Muhd Amirul Hakim293:333and is placed 86th with7-352
16 lost to Shanaya Amath308:334and is placed 97th with7-378
17 was pipped by David Onyekwelu277:285and is placed 103rd with7-386
18 beat Yunus Ismail288:254and is placed 94th with8-352
19 lost to Tobi Fasuyi264:318and is placed 103rd with8-406
20 beat Fortune Ezennia302:288and is placed 95th with9-392
21 lost to Saarah Saffan250:316and is placed 103rd with9-458
22 beat Mushad Aadil288:248and is placed 92nd with10-418
23 was pipped by Irfan Sabri289:296and is placed 99th with10-425
24 lost to David Onyekwelu264:315and is placed 109th with10-476

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