2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Amin Nabil (Malaysia)

1 got walloped by Javeria Salman278:517and is placed 115th with0-239
2 beat Oluwadimimu Olayanju361:226and is placed 86th with1-104
3 beat Ronnie Bennett336:245and is placed 58th with2-13
4 lost to Siriwat Suttapintu334:383and is placed 69th with2-62
5 lost to Nusrath Sariffo'deen292:372and is placed 88th with2-142
6 beat Wamika Malik340:298and is placed 73rd with3-100
7 lost to Saarah Saffan278:328and is placed 86th with3-150
8 beat Nida Tanweer351:286and is placed 75th with4-85
9 beat Oluwadara Olayanju427:242and is placed 55th with5+100
10 beat Ebuka Udeani489:290and is placed 40th with6+299
11 lost to Yash Gandhi347:437and is placed 53rd with6+209
12 lost to Adam Ali324:449and is placed 69th with6+84
13 beat Abbas Baig341:298and is placed 55th with7+127
14 beat Nida Tanweer350:275and is placed 45th with8+202
15 lost to Sumbul Siddiqui306:409and is placed 58th with8+99
16 beat Minuki Satharasinghe413:256and is placed 46th with9+256
17 lost to V Sridev362:393and is placed 58th with9+225
18 beat Muhammad Nasir395:296and is placed 44th with10+324
19 lost to V Sridev342:426and is placed 56th with10+240
20 was pipped by Aditya Iyengar350:358and is placed 64th with10+232
21 lost to Lewis Hawkins393:410and is placed 76th with10+215
22 got walloped by Omari Atiba Blake293:505and is placed 81st with10+3
23 lost to Nitya Chagti283:367and is placed 93rd with10-81
24 lost to Vali Khubaib329:416and is placed 103rd with10-168

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