2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Christopher Thomas (Trinidad and Tobago)

1 walloped Devja Withanage525:290and is placed 25th with1+235
2 lost to Diyath Visidagamage308:330and is placed 42nd with1+213
3 beat Mirza Tayyab438:344and is placed 31st with2+307
4 lost to Natchaya Sritharo314:477and is placed 56th with2+144
5 lost to Lewis Hawkins382:445and is placed 77th with2+81
6 lost to Visarut Ariyakajorn279:428and is placed 96th with2-68
7 beat Armaan Arafat428:329and is placed 78th with3+31
8 walloped Mohammed Aasim453:239and is placed 63rd with4+245
9 lost to Anush Singh Arvind319:372and is placed 76th with4+192
10 lost to Mukkesh Selvaraj370:389and is placed 84th with4+173
11 pulverised Martin Mogbolu504:231and is placed 70th with5+446
12 beat Nitya Chagti409:324and is placed 57th with6+531
13 lost to Michael Mogbolu340:373and is placed 69th with6+498
14 lost to Sasika Jayasuriya269:434and is placed 85th with6+333
15 lost to Hayati Rassool343:461and is placed 95th with6+215
16 beat Arinze Onwuachusi414:268and is placed 80th with7+361
17 lost to Rehet Singh Bhatia324:453and is placed 93rd with7+232
18 beat Arinze Onwuachusi442:308and is placed 83rd with8+366
19 beat Pranay Addepalli418:335and is placed 73rd with9+449
20 lost to Pese Alo337:479and is placed 83rd with9+307
21 beat Muhd Noorafiq Izani413:387and is placed 72nd with10+333
22 beat Nitya Chagti399:329and is placed 67th with11+403
23 lost to Matthew Wong Sang319:372and is placed 73rd with11+350
24 lost to Ebuka Udeani326:476and is placed 83rd with11+200

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