2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Ebuka Udeani (Nigeria)

1 walloped Alanah Barba470:227and is placed 20th with1+243
2 lost to Adarsh Sasi319:393and is placed 48th with1+169
3 beat V Sridev416:324and is placed 36th with2+261
4 lost to Mirza Tayyab345:474and is placed 57th with2+132
5 got walloped by Naravit Nathapukdi281:514and is placed 82nd with2-101
6 was pulverised by Abdullah Abbasi210:655and is placed 112th with2-546
7 beat Mushad Aadil394:313and is placed 97th with3-465
8 pulverised Alice Durand574:275and is placed 76th with4-166
9 walloped Chijioke Ehirim458:250and is placed 59th with5+42
10 lost to Amin Nabil290:489and is placed 75th with5-157
11 lost to Mohammad Affan384:426and is placed 87th with5-199
12 walloped Ronnie Bennett530:325and is placed 73rd with6+6
13 beat Mushad Aadil438:280and is placed 53rd with7+164
14 beat David Onyekwelu404:253and is placed 42nd with8+315
15 lost to Abdullah Abbasi393:418and is placed 54th with8+290
16 lost to Diyath Visidagamage396:410and is placed 63rd with8+276
17 beat Muhammad Nasir371:323and is placed 56th with9+324
18 lost to Matthew Wong Sang264:407and is placed 65th with9+181
19 lost to Lewis Hawkins366:394and is placed 75th with9+153
20 beat Muhammad Nasir409:357and is placed 65th with10+205
21 beat Armaan Arafat447:277and is placed 55th with11+375
22 lost to Abdullah Abbasi301:453and is placed 70th with11+223
23 lost to Neeraparng Laohavira330:436and is placed 76th with11+117
24 beat Christopher Thomas476:326and is placed 68th with12+267

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