2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Hammad Hadi Khan (Pakistan)

1 pulverised Arinze Onwuachusi510:207and is placed 11th with1+303
2 walloped Hasindu Arumapperuma541:341and is placed 2nd with2+503
3 beat Thavalakshman Yogan384:368and is placed 10th with3+519
4 lost to Sasika Jayasuriya381:421and is placed 19th with3+479
5 beat Vraj Jain449:343and is placed 10th with4+585
6 beat Vali Khubaib425:293and is placed 7th with5+717
7 beat Alissa Noel465:316and is placed 2nd with6+866
8 pulverised Neeraparng Laohavira537:279and is placed 2nd with7+1124
9 lost to Nuttapong Pholthip292:489and is placed 6th with7+927
10 beat Muhammad Shahbaz416:372and is placed 3rd with8+971
11 got walloped by Arham Abidi283:516and is placed 11th with8+738
12 beat Nuttapong Pholthip436:399and is placed 11th with9+775
13 beat Anand Bharadwaj389:371and is placed 9th with10+793
14 beat Alissa Noel451:368and is placed 5th with11+876
15 pipped Naravit Nathapukdi378:371and is placed 3rd with12+883
16 beat Navya Zaveri480:397and is placed 2nd with13+966
17 lost to Moizullah Baig290:467and is placed 4th with13+789
18 lost to Nuttapong Pholthip302:484and is placed 8th with13+607
19 lost to Anand Bharadwaj301:442and is placed 11th with13+466
20 beat Jiradet Lekhaworakul419:369and is placed 10th with14+516
21 lost to Diyath Visidagamage377:467and is placed 14th with14+426
22 beat Tim Mason400:345and is placed 11th with15+481
23 lost to Hasindu Arumapperuma314:443and is placed 17th with15+352
24 lost to Vinu Wijesekara342:443and is placed 23rd with15+251

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