2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Hamza Sheikh (Pakistan)

1 walloped Oluwadimimu Olayanju463:221and is placed 21st with1+242
2 was pipped by Javeria Salman455:462and is placed 40th with1+235
3 lost to Abdullah Abbasi379:409and is placed 67th with1+205
4 beat Absar Mustajab444:330and is placed 47th with2+319
5 beat Samrath Singh Bhatia384:334and is placed 36th with3+369
6 beat Hasindu Arumapperuma410:375and is placed 33rd with4+404
7 lost to Visarut Ariyakajorn419:498and is placed 45th with4+325
8 beat Lewis Hawkins376:338and is placed 36th with5+363
9 pulverised Anastasia Francis568:304and is placed 23rd with6+627
10 pulverised Mohammad Affan589:208and is placed 15th with7+1008
11 pipped Sasika Jayasuriya379:377and is placed 10th with8+1010
12 was pipped by Anand Bharadwaj409:416and is placed 17th with8+1003
13 was pipped by Visarut Ariyakajorn414:422and is placed 24th with8+995
14 lost to Navya Zaveri416:506and is placed 35th with8+905
15 lost to Jack Durand310:376and is placed 46th with8+839
16 beat Lucia Mogbolu520:439and is placed 38th with9+920
17 beat Hassan Hadi Khan386:314and is placed 28th with10+992
18 walloped Abdullah Abbasi485:263and is placed 23rd with11+1214
19 beat Migara Jayasinghe465:308and is placed 15th with12+1371
20 pipped Sanchit Kapoor468:466and is placed 13th with13+1373
21 beat Visarut Ariyakajorn411:366and is placed 10th with14+1418
22 beat Vinu Wijesekara516:381and is placed 9th with15+1553
23 lost to Tim Mason247:415and is placed 12th with15+1385
24 lost to Anand Bharadwaj387:428and is placed 16th with15+1344

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