2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Janet Muchai (Kenya)

1 lost to Thareefa Ismail218:292and is placed 84th with0-74
2 lost to Prial Shah280:359and is placed 107th with0-153
3 was pulverised by Nitya Chagti188:447and is placed 124th with0-412
4 beat Amna Cassim301:178and is placed 112th with1-289
5 got walloped by Pranay Addepalli197:426and is placed 122nd with1-518
6 lost to Saarah Saffan194:384and is placed 127th with1-708
7 beat Leah Maina317:278and is placed 121st with2-669
8 beat Jhanavi Ananthakumar318:237and is placed 108th with3-588
9 lost to Mushad Aadil187:337and is placed 117th with3-738
10 was pulverised by Samuel Inyang228:504and is placed 124th with3-1014
11 was pulverised by Karan Maitra141:457and is placed 128th with3-1330
12 was pipped by Teresa Wanjira324:328and is placed 132nd with3-1334
13 lost to Shamha Tubaan256:312and is placed 133rd with3-1390
14 tied with Juliet Wanjiru423:423and is placed 132nd with3.5-1390
15 was pipped by Juliet Muthee358:362and is placed 133rd with3.5-1394
16 beat Sahel Infas267:188and is placed 131st with4.5-1315
17 assigned half a win and is placed 130th with5-1315
18 was pipped by Afrah Ousmand270:275and is placed 132nd with5-1320
19 beat Chikezie Ehirim328:279and is placed 130th with6-1271
20 beat Lolope Alo350:231and is placed 125th with7-1152
21 beat Devja Withanage347:232and is placed 118th with8-1037
22 tied with Thareefa Ismail257:257and is placed 117th with8.5-1037
23 lost to Chijioke Ehirim264:334and is placed 122nd with8.5-1107
24 lost to Meju Lawrence336:377and is placed 124th with8.5-1148

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