2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Juliet Wanjiru (Kenya)

1 lost to Varun Kasisomayajula250:363and is placed 93rd with0-113
2 was pulverised by Pese Alo161:427and is placed 125th with0-379
3 lost to Amna Cassim165:226and is placed 126th with0-440
4 was pulverised by Pranay Addepalli165:431and is placed 133rd with0-706
5 lost to Sundaresh Sundarag171:307and is placed 134th with0-842
6 lost to Leah Maina120:201and is placed 135th with0-923
7 beat Sahel Infas272:228and is placed 130th with1-879
8 beat Juliet Muthee358:185and is placed 126th with2-706
9 beat Cherish Ambi-Okolo262:248and is placed 116th with3-692
10 lost to Jhanavi Ananthakumar239:267and is placed 120th with3-720
11 lost to Angela Osaigbovo192:246and is placed 126th with3-774
12 lost to Shamha Tubaan171:322and is placed 131st with3-925
13 lost to Amna Cassim192:303and is placed 132nd with3-1036
14 tied with Janet Muchai423:423and is placed 131st with3.5-1036
15 beat Cherish Ambi-Okolo299:170and is placed 128th with4.5-907
16 awarded a walkover and is placed 119th with5.5-832
17 assigned half a win and is placed 121st with6-832
18 tied with Noela Wachira386:386and is placed 118th with6.5-832
19 pipped Devja Withanage283:276and is placed 110th with7.5-825
20 lost to Jhanavi Ananthakumar282:300and is placed 116th with7.5-843
21 lost to Dulmini Weerarathne156:352and is placed 122nd with7.5-1039
22 lost to Sundaresh Sundarag 99:153and is placed 126th with7.5-1093
23 lost to Meju Lawrence214:401and is placed 129th with7.5-1280
24 beat Cherish Ambi-Okolo338:266and is placed 125th with8.5-1208

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