2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Lewis Hawkins (New Zealand)

1 got walloped by Diyath Visidagamage282:508and is placed 111th with0-226
2 pulverised Devja Withanage598:180and is placed 45th with1+192
3 beat Mofe Lawal440:313and is placed 30th with2+319
4 beat Muhammad Nasir367:314and is placed 25th with3+372
5 beat Christopher Thomas445:382and is placed 20th with4+435
6 lost to Moizullah Baig332:378and is placed 35th with4+389
7 beat Rohan Kapur415:220and is placed 20th with5+584
8 lost to Hamza Sheikh338:376and is placed 31st with5+546
9 lost to Arham Abidi355:467and is placed 45th with5+434
10 lost to Omari Atiba Blake330:487and is placed 64th with5+277
11 beat Thavalakshman Yogan363:350and is placed 51st with6+290
12 beat Vraj Jain405:358and is placed 40th with7+337
13 beat V Sridev500:304and is placed 29th with8+533
14 beat Matthew Wong Sang405:390and is placed 24th with9+548
15 lost to Muhammad Shahbaz314:454and is placed 32nd with9+408
16 lost to Javeria Salman332:349and is placed 44th with9+391
17 was pipped by Tim Mason357:360and is placed 54th with9+388
18 was pipped by Aditya Iyengar368:369and is placed 63rd with9+387
19 beat Ebuka Udeani394:366and is placed 55th with10+415
20 beat Armaan Arafat483:284and is placed 43rd with11+614
21 beat Amin Nabil410:393and is placed 33rd with12+631
22 lost to Thavalakshman Yogan366:441and is placed 43rd with12+556
23 beat Hayati Rassool472:391and is placed 36th with13+637
24 walloped Sasika Jayasuriya441:229and is placed 27th with14+849

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