2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Meenakshi Sethupathy (Qatar)

1 lost to Nusrath Sariffo'deen347:427and is placed 88th with0-80
2 beat Afrah Ousmand381:321and is placed 77th with1-20
3 lost to Ushara De Silva324:375and is placed 86th with1-71
4 lost to Omari Atiba Blake335:475and is placed 105th with1-211
5 beat Sion De Souza359:344and is placed 91st with2-196
6 beat Fortune Ezennia398:246and is placed 68th with3-44
7 beat Oluwadara Olayanju449:299and is placed 53rd with4+106
8 beat Adam Ali366:340and is placed 44th with5+132
9 beat Kavya Prasad400:295and is placed 31st with6+237
10 beat Mofe Lawal378:319and is placed 25th with7+296
11 lost to Siriwat Suttapintu334:395and is placed 33rd with7+235
12 was pulverised by Alissa Noel212:463and is placed 47th with7-16
13 lost to Phillip Nsubuga333:425and is placed 63rd with7-108
14 lost to Adarsh Sasi330:362and is placed 72nd with7-140
15 beat Irfan Sabri380:295and is placed 62nd with8-55
16 was pulverised by Mohammad Affan214:518and is placed 72nd with8-359
17 beat Varun Kasisomayajula400:367and is placed 67th with9-326
18 was pipped by Mofe Lawal324:327and is placed 76th with9-329
19 beat Khelsey Ramsumair415:333and is placed 65th with10-247
20 beat Shanaya Amath399:324and is placed 54th with11-172
21 lost to Muhd Amirul Hakim321:395and is placed 64th with11-246
22 beat Phillip Nsubuga411:286and is placed 52nd with12-121
23 beat Minuki Satharasinghe370:325and is placed 43rd with13-76
24 lost to Joe Knapper315:349and is placed 52nd with13-110

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