2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Mohammad Affan (Pakistan)

1 lost to Anand Bharadwaj304:461and is placed 101st with0-157
2 beat Armaan Arafat394:309and is placed 84th with1-72
3 beat Daniel Lawal354:215and is placed 52nd with2+67
4 pulverised Karan Maitra530:252and is placed 27th with3+345
5 walloped Joshua Thomas469:236and is placed 12th with4+578
6 pipped Anastasia Francis359:351and is placed 11th with5+586
7 lost to Tim Mason309:333and is placed 21st with5+562
8 lost to Moizullah Baig353:500and is placed 34th with5+415
9 got walloped by Javeria Arshad Mirza271:513and is placed 49th with5+173
10 was pulverised by Hamza Sheikh208:589and is placed 76th with5-208
11 beat Ebuka Udeani426:384and is placed 62nd with6-166
12 beat Samuel Inyang417:321and is placed 49th with7-70
13 beat Muhd Amirul Hakim444:320and is placed 38th with8+54
14 lost to Alice Durand347:406and is placed 49th with8-5
15 beat Mofe Lawal403:243and is placed 38th with9+155
16 pulverised Meenakshi Sethupathy518:214and is placed 28th with10+459
17 lost to Phillip Nsubuga320:461and is placed 34th with10+318
18 lost to Sumbul Siddiqui281:404and is placed 49th with10+195
19 lost to Joe Knapper287:458and is placed 62nd with10+24
20 beat Abbas Baig423:354and is placed 52nd with11+93
21 beat Samuel Fernandes435:318and is placed 40th with12+210
22 beat Ushara De Silva358:265and is placed 34th with13+303
23 lost to Samrath Singh Bhatia326:375and is placed 42nd with13+254
24 beat Talal Amjad393:298and is placed 34th with14+349

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