2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Mohammed Azam (Qatar)

1 lost to Alif Akmal299:424and is placed 96th with0-125
2 beat Amna Cassim322:260and is placed 81st with1-63
3 was pulverised by Pese Alo241:491and is placed 111th with1-313
4 pipped Wamika Malik267:261and is placed 87th with2-307
5 beat Jhanavi Ananthakumar359:264and is placed 65th with3-212
6 beat Mushad Aadil347:256and is placed 47th with4-121
7 beat Irfan Sabri310:260and is placed 34th with5-71
8 lost to Marvi Delfin296:400and is placed 51st with5-175
9 lost to Janidu Karunaratne269:428and is placed 64th with5-334
10 was pulverised by Nusrath Sariffo'deen238:544and is placed 81st with5-640
11 lost to Arinze Onwuachusi280:341and is placed 95th with5-701
12 lost to Alice Durand362:408and is placed 103rd with5-747
13 pulverised Martin Mogbolu605:290and is placed 88th with6-432
14 lost to Pranay Addepalli249:259and is placed 97th with6-442
15 beat Mushad Aadil373:349and is placed 90th with7-418
16 lost to Alif Akmal268:352and is placed 100th with7-502
17 lost to Karan Maitra302:324and is placed 106th with7-524
18 beat Amna Cassim283:255and is placed 96th with8-496
19 lost to Fortune Ezennia269:366and is placed 106th with8-593
20 beat Alif Akmal453:289and is placed 97th with9-429
21 pulverised Chijioke Ehirim493:108and is placed 81st with10-44
22 beat David Onyekwelu259:160and is placed 73rd with11+55
23 beat Tobi Fasuyi369:277and is placed 61st with12+147
24 beat Minuki Satharasinghe347:333and is placed 51st with13+161

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