2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Muhammad Nasir (Malaysia)

1 lost to Sanchit Kapoor411:440and is placed 73rd with0-29
2 walloped Adam Ali497:280and is placed 46th with1+188
3 beat Lucia Mogbolu467:372and is placed 33rd with2+283
4 lost to Lewis Hawkins314:367and is placed 51st with2+230
5 lost to Arham Abidi318:411and is placed 75th with2+137
6 beat Thavalakshman Yogan415:353and is placed 57th with3+199
7 beat Pranay Addepalli452:291and is placed 42nd with4+360
8 beat Nitya Chagti355:323and is placed 35th with5+392
9 lost to Vinu Wijesekara357:432and is placed 46th with5+317
10 beat Vraj Jain362:327and is placed 38th with6+352
11 lost to Javeria Salman303:498and is placed 55th with6+157
12 lost to Abdullah Abbasi367:395and is placed 66th with6+129
13 lost to Joe Knapper378:413and is placed 78th with6+94
14 beat Wamika Malik372:317and is placed 65th with7+149
15 pipped Anush Singh Arvind362:359and is placed 55th with8+152
16 beat Vali Khubaib429:283and is placed 45th with9+298
17 lost to Ebuka Udeani323:371and is placed 57th with9+250
18 lost to Amin Nabil296:395and is placed 66th with9+151
19 beat Samuel Fernandes406:336and is placed 57th with10+221
20 lost to Ebuka Udeani357:409and is placed 66th with10+169
21 lost to Abdullah Abbasi331:361and is placed 77th with10+139
22 got walloped by Vraj Jain236:438and is placed 84th with10-63
23 beat Vali Khubaib366:299and is placed 79th with11+4
24 was pipped by Aum Biyani384:386and is placed 84th with11+2

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