2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Nitya Chagti (India)

1 lost to Pasith Teeka358:416and is placed 82nd with0-58
2 beat David Onyekwelu455:282and is placed 58th with1+115
3 pulverised Janet Muchai447:188and is placed 29th with2+374
4 lost to Moizullah Baig335:512and is placed 54th with2+197
5 was pipped by Pese Alo290:297and is placed 72nd with2+190
6 lost to Mirza Tayyab273:449and is placed 92nd with2+14
7 lost to Sion De Souza339:441and is placed 105th with2-88
8 lost to Muhammad Nasir323:355and is placed 115th with2-120
9 beat Vali Khubaib417:347and is placed 100th with3-50
10 beat Karan Maitra468:303and is placed 86th with4+115
11 got walloped by Pese Alo261:498and is placed 101st with4-122
12 lost to Christopher Thomas324:409and is placed 109th with4-207
13 beat Rajiv Premnath383:242and is placed 99th with5-66
14 was pipped by Anastasia Francis344:348and is placed 107th with5-70
15 lost to Kavya Prasad274:331and is placed 116th with5-127
16 beat Saarah Saffan407:245and is placed 107th with6+35
17 beat Meju Lawrence424:304and is placed 94th with7+155
18 beat Sion De Souza378:281and is placed 85th with8+252
19 lost to Muhd Noorafiq Izani321:390and is placed 95th with8+183
20 beat Anastasia Francis334:294and is placed 84th with9+223
21 beat Pese Alo375:297and is placed 73rd with10+301
22 lost to Christopher Thomas329:399and is placed 79th with10+231
23 beat Amin Nabil367:283and is placed 74th with11+315
24 beat Anush Singh Arvind319:232and is placed 66th with12+402

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