2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for Vali Khubaib (Pakistan)

1 lost to Sion De Souza354:459and is placed 90th with0-105
2 beat Muhd Noorafiq Izani396:278and is placed 70th with1+13
3 beat Mohammed Aasim334:256and is placed 50th with2+91
4 pulverised Prial Shah535:210and is placed 21st with3+416
5 lost to Yash Gandhi344:434and is placed 38th with3+326
6 lost to Hammad Hadi Khan293:425and is placed 58th with3+194
7 lost to Janidu Karunaratne357:437and is placed 75th with3+114
8 beat Pasith Teeka391:323and is placed 65th with4+182
9 lost to Nitya Chagti347:417and is placed 78th with4+112
10 beat Aditya Iyengar490:296and is placed 61st with5+306
11 lost to Aditya Iyengar291:417and is placed 76th with5+180
12 lost to Vinu Wijesekara387:450and is placed 87th with5+117
13 beat Anush Singh Arvind417:301and is placed 74th with6+233
14 beat Kavya Prasad346:324and is placed 63rd with7+255
15 lost to Muhd Noorafiq Izani268:314and is placed 74th with7+209
16 lost to Muhammad Nasir283:429and is placed 85th with7+63
17 lost to Thavalakshman Yogan330:476and is placed 97th with7-83
18 lost to Muhd Noorafiq Izani305:386and is placed 106th with7-164
19 lost to Sion De Souza292:406and is placed 114th with7-278
20 beat Kavya Prasad415:323and is placed 105th with8-186
21 beat Wamika Malik370:317and is placed 96th with9-133
22 beat Prial Shah219:162and is placed 85th with10-76
23 lost to Muhammad Nasir299:366and is placed 94th with10-143
24 beat Amin Nabil416:329and is placed 87th with11-56

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