2013 World Youth Scrabble Championships

[Stories] [Players] [Results]

Scorecard for V Sridev (India)

1 pulverised Jhanavi Ananthakumar466:213and is placed 18th with1+253
2 lost to Mariam Arif338:436and is placed 50th with1+155
3 lost to Ebuka Udeani324:416and is placed 77th with1+63
4 lost to Thavalakshman Yogan346:477and is placed 96th with1-68
5 beat Hasindu Arumapperuma410:394and is placed 81st with2-52
6 lost to Anush Singh Arvind296:416and is placed 101st with2-172
7 beat Meju Lawrence376:245and is placed 82nd with3-41
8 beat Alif Akmal423:273and is placed 67th with4+109
9 lost to Gerald Ekhagbai307:343and is placed 79th with4+73
10 beat Ushara De Silva409:352and is placed 68th with5+130
11 beat Nida Tanweer427:322and is placed 52nd with6+235
12 beat Gerald Ekhagbai325:298and is placed 41st with7+262
13 lost to Lewis Hawkins304:500and is placed 58th with7+66
14 was pipped by Joe Knapper339:346and is placed 66th with7+59
15 beat David Onyekwelu368:314and is placed 57th with8+113
16 was pipped by Abbas Baig330:333and is placed 66th with8+110
17 beat Amin Nabil393:362and is placed 60th with9+141
18 lost to Samuel Fernandes346:419and is placed 68th with9+68
19 beat Amin Nabil426:342and is placed 60th with10+152
20 beat Anush Singh Arvind348:323and is placed 50th with11+177
21 lost to Vraj Jain353:393and is placed 60th with11+137
22 beat Abbas Baig378:321and is placed 49th with12+194
23 pulverised Ushara De Silva513:197and is placed 39th with13+510
24 beat Abdullah Abbasi382:336and is placed 32nd with14+556

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