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Scrabble Boardyouth scrabbleScrabble Game

Are you ready for tournaments?


Do you have a good command of the 2 letter words?
Do you quite regularly score 250 or more?
Do you like the prospect of playing better players?
Are you happy with the idea of playing Scrabble all day? (breaks in between, of course!)
Can you complete a game in 20-22 minutes per side (40-44 mins. total)?
Do you like meeting interesting people?

If you answered Yes 5 or 6 times, you will love tournament scrabble!

If you didn't answer "yes" 5 or 6 times, but you think that you would like to play tournament Scrabble, then contact your nearest Scrabble Club or National Association.

(This list was provided courtesy of Tony Hunt, and the Western Scrabble Network