2015 World Youth Scrabble Championships

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Scorecard for Allfhenrey Loimin (Malaysia)

1 was pulverised by Migara Jayasinghe149:693and is placed 105th with0-544
2 beat Evan P Dungkim294:101and is placed 78th with1-351
3 lost to Matheesha De Silva170:221and is placed 85th with1-402
4 was pulverised by Keeran Bathmanaban199:462and is placed 94th with1-665
5 was pulverised by Muhd Alif Iman168:487and is placed 98th with1-984
6 beat Riva Dubey161:148and is placed 92nd with2-971
7 beat Joanne Welsy Walter253:102and is placed 81st with3-820
8 was pulverised by Sharvin Jeyendran124:428and is placed 90th with3-1124
9 was pulverised by Kwok Chun Hin139:475and is placed 96th with3-1460
10 lost to Ben Creighton123:231and is placed 99th with3-1568
11 was pulverised by Mohamad Hafizuddin210:465and is placed 102nd with3-1823
12 lost to Adreen Kelly Wandy210:346and is placed 103rd with3-1959
13 lost to Thushini De Silva189:213and is placed 103rd with3-1983
14 beat Evan P Dungkim294:153and is placed 102nd with4-1842
15 beat Joanne Welsy Walter234:177and is placed 98th with5-1785
16 lost to Meghna Nagarajan252:359and is placed 102nd with5-1892
17 lost to Riva Dubey101:143and is placed 103rd with5-1934
18 beat Audrey Kay Wandy300:127and is placed 100th with6-1761
19 lost to Pieta Sparrow242:338and is placed 102nd with6-1857
20 beat Thushini De Silva198:178and is placed 100th with7-1837
21 beat Evan P Dungkim164: 69and is placed 95th with8-1742
22 lost to Ben Creighton205:292and is placed 98th with8-1829
23 lost to Mohamad Hafizuddin246:341and is placed 102nd with8-1924
24 beat Joanne Welsy Walter294:125and is placed 99th with9-1755

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